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When grinding, HP/SP potion efficiency is required.


In many role-playing games (RPGs), especially Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), when engaged in the grinding process, the efficiency of using Health Points (HP) and Skill Points (SP) Potions can be crucial for enduring longer and improving your grinding outcomes.

Just like honing skills and working, we will eventually reach a saturation point when we feel dissatisfied and unable to endure, affecting our development and performance. Therefore, the ability to endure is crucial. So, how do we sharpen our skills in endurance?

Learn the formula

HP = Endurance
SP = Energy

HP x SP = The fundamental to grow

Feel blessed

When you find yourself unable to do anything at work, and you don't know what to pursue to hone your talents, what you need to do is be grateful for your current situation, and dig as deep as possible into your potential with what you have.

Keep on track

When doing the same thing repeatedly, you may become bored, but sometimes you feel like you haven't done enough to progress further. When you think like that, there are people out there doing the same thing as you repeatedly, yet achieving greater results. Don't get easily discouraged; look for the best potential in that matter before considering changing the track you're currently on.

No need to think what others did to grow.

Don't be afraid to be alone

At some point, you may feel abandoned by your circle and your own friendships, and you sense the need to fight alone again to achieve everything. In this situation, adaptability is crucial, but I won't stop at the word "adaptation." How do you adapt and discover new pools of opportunities in your life?

Always feeling unsatisfied with what you currently achieve Always feeling insufficient in contributing to work Always demeaning yourself, thinking you lack talent When you don't engage in the above behaviors, you will become a selfish Lone Wolf, feeling capable of overcoming anything and reluctant to accept input from others. The outcome might be fine, or there's a possibility it won't be in the future.

Therefore, the ability to adapt is necessary to endure loneliness. Adapting is not just about growing; it's about recognizing what's lacking in your growth.

Pity yourself

Pity yourself that has worked hard in your development. Set aside time to play, go on vacations, be with friends, and talk to family to alleviate your fatigue from work and nurture your talents.

Track your growth

You need to know what is lacking in your development, learn not to be content with what you have now, always show that you have something new, and if possible, convey it to your comrades and colleagues so that they can see what has developed within you.

List of things you need to track:

Know the time

Often, you lose focus on what needs to be done. What you need to do is prioritize tasks. Prioritizing tasks is not just about arranging them by difficulty but also by how important they are to deliver.

In a workplace, you may ask colleagues about what is currently needed and critical. In your skills development, you usually break down big targets into smaller ones for easier learning and prioritizing. Tools like Notion, Asana, and Trello can be helpful in this regard.

Not only about work and skills, but here you should also prioritize rest and reward time.

Control basic needs

Individuals assess their abilities and development based on their goals, but in reality, there are many values needed for personal growth:

In Maslow's Hierarchy, every person can become anything and reach their full potential. There is few basic needs you need to improve to fullfil it:

By using the HP/SP potion formula and fulfilling basic needs for personal growth, you will achieve your full potential when grinding.